Power Sourcing: 
Doing More With Less

In today’s hiring environment, more and more sourcing is falling to recruiters, many of whom are short on time and have never worked full-time as a sourcer.

This course is designed to level up your recruiting team’s sourcing skills through data-driven strategic approaches to sourcing, enabling you to find and engage great candidates, efficiently.

Key Outcomes

  • Learn and practice key approaches to sourcing under-represented and hard-to-find candidates, and how to reach candidates who are less likely to show up in standard Boolean searches.
  • Learn how to use the kickoff conversation to drive an effective, and efficient, sourcing strategy throughout the hiring process, even if you’re short on time
  • Gain data-driven approaches for how to write and sequences outreach messages that actually get responses, and how to diagnose problems in your pipeline

Topics Covered

2-hour training: Designed for full-cycle recruiters and early career sourcers.
In the training design process, we consider your specific business challenges and identify key skill gaps within your team. We also customize our search approaches to your high priority roles.
  • Effective Kickoffs
    - Choosing the right kickoff approach
    - Conducting a thorough intake with the Hiring Manager
  • Optimizing Search
    - Role spotlight/demonstration
    - Practicing different search approaches
  • Outreach and Engagement
    - Typical outreach versus improved outreach
    - Data-driven outreach approaches
    - Evaluating your outreach for improvement
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